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Thailand_4546-06adw3900.jpg, ©Paul J. Trummer, Asia, continent, continents, Countries, Country, Geography, Mae Kok River, Mae Nam Kok, Tha Ton, Thailand, Thaton, Asien, Erdteil, Erdteile, Geografie, Kontinent, Kontinente, Länder, Mae Kok Fluss, Siam, Staat, Staaten, bodies of water, body of water, landscape form, landscape forms, landscapes, river water, celestial bodies, celestial body, celestial bodys, silhouette, sun, sunrise, Gestirn, Gestirne, Himmelskoerper, Himmelskörper, Morgensonne, Sonnen, Sonnenaufgang, Sonnenaufgänge, Sonnenschein, cloud, clouds, elements, fog, Landscape, morning fog, nature, skies, sky, Dunst, Frühnebel, Himmel, Landschaft, Morgennebel, Natur, Naturelemente, Wolke, Wolken, cielo, cielos, elementos terrestres, niebla, niebla matinal, niebla matutina, nube, nubes, boat, boats, long boat, longboat, longtail boat, longtail boats, objects, ship, shipping, ships, things, transportation, transportations, vehicle, vehicles, Boot, Boote, Dinge, Fahrzeug, Fahrzeuge, Gegenstand, Gegenstände, KFZ, Langboot, Langboote, Longtail Boot, Longtail Boote, Longtail-Boot, Longtail-Boote, Longtailboot, Longtailboote, Sachen, Schiff, Schiffahrt, Schiffe, Transport, Transportformen, Transportmittel, Verkehrsformen, Verkehrsmittel, Wasserfahrzeuge, fisher boat, fisher boats, fishing boat, fishing boats, colors, colours, orange, rosa, rosarot, H2O, surface of water, Wasser, Wasserfläche, Wasserflächen, Wasseroberfläche, Wasseroberflächen, Wasseroberflaeche, Gewässer, agua, agua corriente, aguas estancadas